La Pépinière

About the Project

Permaculture is a conceptual system inspired by the way nature works.

Permaculture is based on 3 ethical principles: caring for the Earth, caring for people, sharing resources equitably. It seeks to design harmonious, sustainable, resilient human installations, economical in work as in energy, following the example of natural ecosystems.

We have been entrusted with the creation of all the communication of La Pépinière, a farm in perfect autonomy and maintained by a couple reconverted in the world of agriculture. A communication print thought for and with the universe of nature in order to be as close as possible to our earth, the one we must protect.

Packaging La Pépinière

Papier en tête La Pépinière
Tote bag La Pépinière
Colors Logo La Pépinière Colors Logo La Pépinière

We only reap what we sow, so let's do our best to sow as much as we can.

My Rob