Web & Branding

About the Project

You are looking for a professional, Zildoo finds it for you.

Zildoo allows companies to be put in contact with potential customers. Any professional registering on the platform can then offer their services in any type of field. They respond efficiently to the expectations of individuals, namely where to find a service provider. Customers no longer have to spend a lot of time on the internet looking for a provider. On the platforms, they have the possibility to filter the results to obtain only the providers located near them.

A fresh and colorful communication has been chosen for the brand. It was necessary to be able to feel the link between the professionals and the customers, a serene and reassuring connection had to appear within the logo. Zildoo wants to be attentive and close to its users, that's why the color plays a major asset in the assurance and security of the creation of its brand identity.

Business Cards Zildoo
Branding Zildoo
Iphone & Ipad Zildoo
Iphone & Ipad Black Zildoo

Professionals can be found everywhere but with Zildoo you can find the one you are looking for.
